More than half of Americans support Trump’s removal

NEW YORK (ST) – More than half of Americans support investigations to dismiss President Donald Trump, according to a new poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal and NBC network.

According to the poll, more than 53 % of respondents said they supported Trump’s removal measures and expressed dissatisfaction with his performance. The Democrats occupy the highest percentage in supporting the investigations at 89% compared to 58% of independents and 9% of Republicans. 

In addition, half of Americans said they are not confident that Trump had the right goals and policies to become president, while 55 % said they wanted a president with a new approach different from that of Trump and his predecessor Barack Obama.

The poll comes after the US House of Representatives passed a resolution a few days ago to launch the public phase to investigate the issue of isolating Trump, with a vote of 232 against 196- the first official vote of the US House of Representatives in a battle that could extend until the presidential elections in 2020.

Democrats have put more pressures in recent weeks to begin the accountability and dismissed proceedings of Trump on the backdrop of a scandal sparked by a leaked phone call between him and his Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelinsky, in which he put pressure on the latter to sue the son of his Democratic rival, Joe Biden; Trump’s front-runner in the presidential elections. The Democrats considered Trump as a threat to the American national security.


Inas Abdulkareem  


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