On February 2, the Chinese authorities announced that the number of confirmed deaths in the country due to the Coronavirus has risen to 304 in the past 24 hours, 45 people in Hubei.
Agence France-Presse quoted the National Health Commission as saying that the past 24 hours also recorded 2590 new infections, including 1921 injuries in the Province of Hubei, bringing the total number of sick people across the country to more than 14,000 people.
On the other hand, the National Health Commission of China announced that 328 patients infected with the new Coronavirus had left from hospitals after recovering from the disease until February 1.
On February 2, the Philippines recorded the first death outside China with the emerging corona virus.
The Representative of the World Health Organization in the Philippines Rabindra Abiyasinghe told reporters that the victim is a Chinese from Wuhan.
O. al-Mohammad