Mapping Out a Vision to Promote National Economy, Living Conditions

DAMASCUS, (ST) – Members of the Economic Committee of the Comprehensive National Dialogue Forum recently discussed with a number of economists means of developing  a vision that includes the main axes that could promote the national economy and the living conditions of the citizens.

Members of the Economic Committee underlined the importance of focusing on the total economic indicators that reflect the economic situation and the performance of the economic sectors in the country in general as unemployment rates, incomes and inflation, which negatively affect the producer and the consumer. They pointed out the importance of strengthening economic participatory pluralism and rehabilitation of public sector, particularly strategic ones according to a specific plan and to provide the necessary capabilities through scientific studies.

The members noted the need to reconsider the functions of the Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection through the development of control mechanisms of the markets, and enhancing  the role of institutions to intervene positively, activating the role of civil society in this area, showing the  importance of activating the system of support provided to citizens and groups most in need through the adoption of development programs and providing the necessary facilities to launch medium and small projects and micro enterprises being the main carrier of the national economy in addition to a focus on handmade crafts and the mechanisms of its protection.

They also called to encourage investments in developing regions, especially in the agricultural field and facilitate administrative procedures relating to the subject of the license and the creation of infrastructure to ensure attracting investment to this sector as a priority along with other sectors including renewable and alternative energy.  The members noted the need to reorganize the slums within banking and financial facilities, focus on the housing projects of various kinds, especially the real estate sector includes about 160 profession can be used to absorb the labor force in the market, especially in the reconstruction phase.

The conferees stressed the compulsory education and to be free of charge at all stages and improve its quality and output so that it complies with the requirements of economic development and improve the efficiency of the health sector.

Sharif  Al -Khatib

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