Manual professions .. creativity and art

She masters all kinds of manual and traditional professions and works hard and actively to pass on her experiences to everyone who wants to learn it, whether women or children. She is a trainer of manual professions in the Rajaa Association for Special Needs “Nazmiyeh Melhem Ismail” who gave this particular category special care.

Nazmiyeh Melhem is a trainer of handcrafts and a board member in the Handicrafts Association of the Craftsmen Union and a board member of the Heritage Revival Society in Draikish City in addition to being a member of the life skills team of the Ministry of Culture since the beginning of the war on Syria.

Melhem confirms in an interview with her that she worked to train more than 400 women and girls through the  farmers union and the union of craftsmen and the women’s union previously on the profession of sewing and drawing on the glass, and she has many participations in the exhibitions held with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture and the Basil Gallery and within the cultural centers in Baniyas,Dreikish, Sheikh Badr, and permanent participation in the Sheikh Saleh Al-Ali Festival and the annual exhibition of the Association of Manual Professions.

Lama Razzok

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