Jubata Al-Zait

Jubata Al-Zait is located to the north of the occupied Golan, on the eastern side of Jabal AlSheikh (   Mountain), which  is 1531 meter hi,21 kilometers from Qunaitra city , to the western north to Masaada village.

An old town,  houses  built  of lime stones and   mud and the roofs  made of wood , clay , backed brick but some were built of cement.

 Jubata Alzait is well-known  for  fruits and vegetables including : olives, figs, grapes, apple and tobacco. It is also known for  producing olive-oil and treacle beside  goats  and cows.

In the forties of the last century,  an elementary school was constructed in the  town  and students from neighboring villages studied there such as Majdal Shams, Zaura, Ein Qenia.  After the 1967 war,  the town was destroyed and people were displaced.

Jubata Al- Zait is well-acclaimed for its beautiful  scenery and charming nature.  It is rich with fountains , valleys,  and pastures,  but  the  Israeli occupation ruined the village  and distorted its features which used to be a touristic town in the past.


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