Inside a Single Week

Anti-empire website published an objective article by Marko Marjanović on February 14th, entitled ” Inside a Single Week Syrian Troops Fought Turkey, Israel, the US and Al-Qaeda”

On February 10 Syrian artillerymen inflicted 6 killed in action (KIA) on the Turkish military when they rained shells on Taftanaz airbase occupied by the Turkish military from where the latter had been firing on Syrian troops in Saraqib.


On February 12 Syrians threw stones and opened fire at US armored cars in the village of Khirbet Amo in northeastern Syria, apparently after the US troops had killed one of the villagers.

On February 6 and February 14 Syrian air defense troops engaged Israeli missiles over Damascus in the south.

Earlier on February 3 Syrian artillerymen inflicted 7 KIA on the Turkish military on the outskirts of the town of Saraqib reportedly when they mistook them for rebels.

All of that as Syrian soldiers have continued the successful offensive against Al-Qaeda’s Hayat Tahrir al-Sham which still controls the northwestern corner of the country thanks to Turkish protection to which US protection if Pompeo has his way may very soon be added.

In a comment on the same news by Zaphod Braden, the real reason America killed Soleimani, he played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

Of course the US and Israee are mad at Iran for fighting ISIS …. ISIS is our dog.

ISIS never runs out of ammunition or explosives. ………….. WHY?

 ISIS never, ever, attacks Israel ………………………………… WHY?!

ISIS is completely surrounded by supposed enemies.

Every one of the countries surrounding ISIS is SUPPOSEDLY an ally of the USA.

Time for the USA to take a good hard look at its “allies”.

Our “intelligence” agencies should have identified and destroyed those who are supplying ISIS but have not …… WHY?!

“our” Generals have not destroyed those who are supplying ISIS ………… WHY!?

The chaos in Syria was winding down. The TRAITORS in the Pentagon had spent 24 months at $10MILLION a DAY bombing sand. ISIS continued to hold miles long parades of OUR equipment complete with flags on clear, dry, sunny days,

Every Leader on Earth is pondering the fact America no longer respects White Flags or any other norm.

Trump has just shown Iran, North Korea, and every other country on earth why they have to get and keep nuclear weapons.

There is no such thing as a “preemptive murder” murder is murder. What if other countries start taking out our MISleader?

We knew he was “Under a White Flag”.

Trump has shamed and blackened the name of America Worldwide …..

how could anyone trust a Nation that breaks Treaties & Agreements willy-nilly. Would You sign a Trade Deal with someone who will declare bankruptcy or just tear up the contract?

Trump has now murdered a man “Under a white flag” “There was nothing to suggest to the Iraqis that it was unsafe for Soleimani to travel (he had a DIPLOMATIC passport) to Baghdad – quite the contrary. This suggests that Trump helped lure the Iranian commander to a place where he could be killed. It is possible that the president was unaware of the crucial role that Soleimani was playing in the attempted rapprochement with the Saudis. Or that he knew but did not care.”

 There can be no doubt that the Trump administration would have known in detail about Iran’s ongoing secret negotiations with Saudi Arabia, one of its closest allies, which were mediated by the Iraqi government, which was also operating closely and communicating frequently with Washington. This means the Pentagon and the White House fully knew, when they ordered the airstrike to kill him, that Soleimani was traveling to Baghdad in a diplomatic capacity as an emissary of Iran, and that he had a meeting planned with the Prime Minister to discuss broader de-escalation.


Dr. Mohamad Abdo Al-Ibrahim

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