While bananas are an inexpensive fruit and perfect for a healthy, on-the-go snack, they often tend to brown shortly after you buy them.
Mix Up Your Bag. As a preventative measure, make sure to buy a few yellow bananas that are ready to eat as well as a few very green bananas that still need time to ripen.
Block Out Light. To preserve your bananas that are already ripe, simply place a kitchen towel over the ones that you don’t want to ripen anymore. By protecting the bananas from natural sunlight, it ups their shelf life by a few more days.
Keep Them Separate. Another tip is to be sure that the bananas are separated from other produce.
Use Nylon Wrap. Finally, placing Nylon wrap around the stem of the cluster of bananas helps keep them fresher longer. Some stores may already do this, but if not, a quick wrap should do the trick!
Lara Kh.