History is Repeating Itself: Russia Stands Against Fascism Again

History is repeating itself. The US and its allies support fascists in Europe again. Just like when they supported the Nazis in Germany to target the Soviet Union, they are now supporting ultra-nationalist fascists in Ukraine with the aim of targeting Russia.

Anglo-American elites supported the Nazi Third Reich with the aim of manipulating a war into taking place between the Germans and the Soviets with the goal of getting both Berlin and Moscow to mutually destroy one another. This is the same strategy that Washington used against Baghdad and Tehran when it encouraged Saddam Hussein to invade Iran and launch the Iran-Iraq War.

Leonid Ivashov, a former Russian and Soviet military commander, told the Russian media in February 2012 that the US war preparations being made against Syria and Iran were steps in a roadmap that ultimately aimed to weaken and attack Russia. He also mentioned that Russia was defending the world and fighting the forces of fascism by defending the Syrians from an attack by the US and its NATO and Arab petro-sheikhdom puppets and allies.

Agree with Ivashov, fascist forces and militarism are on the march again. The fascist forces, however, are merely foot soldiers in the Anglo-American “long war.” Behind the fascists stand the neoliberals and organized capital, which really pull the strings. This is the case today as it was the case during the Second World War. That is why it should come as no surprise that Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the Wall Street-supported usurper puppet prime minister of Ukraine, is collaborating with ultra-nationalist Banderists in Ukraine or that the supposedly liberal academic Burhan Ghalioun, the former head of the US-supported puppet Syrian National Council, is supporting  intolerant head-cutting sectarian bigots.

In a case of irony, it is the Russians again who are standing against the forces of fascism in Europe. This is why the St. George’s Ribbons that Russians traditionally wear on Victory Day to commemorate the epic sacrifices and resistance of all the Soviet people against Germany is now being worn by the Russian people and others in the former Soviet Union to demonstrate their opposition to the US-supported neo-Orangist coup in Ukraine that was executed with the instrumental use of ultra-nationalist fascist militias.

The events in Ukraine are being distorted; they are heavily tied to the past and the future.

George Orwell actually said the following about the discursive process tied to the way that history is framed: “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”

Like the Ukrainians that collaborated with the Nazis of the Second World War, Ukraine is again overrun by collaborators that hate Russia. These collaborates, however, serve the interests of the US and the European Union, either knowingly or unknowingly.

Although Russia is a major capitalist power and no longer pursuing a socialist project, it bitterly opposes the attempts to distort history. Russian leaders understand that there are attempts to reframe the history of the Second World War or the Great Patriotic War as a means of legitimizing the targeting of Russia and the multi-spectrum quest of Wall Street and the Pentagon to conquer Eurasia.

Source: globalresearch.com


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