History against Zionist Entity Despite Efforts by UK, US

“The tide of history is going against Zionist entity,” says a British scholar, arguing that the regime is not going to survive much longer despite receiving overwhelming support from its allies like Britain and the US.

Dr. Rodney Shakespeare, a London-based university professor and political analyst, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Sunday, adding that no matter how pro-Zionist, the British and American governments will soon develop second thoughts for their support of Israel.


He made the remarks while discussing British Prime Minister Theresa May’s attack on Washington after US Secretary of State John Kerry’s strong rebuke of Israeli policies in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Last Wednesday, Kerry delivered a keynote speech this week that criticized Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet as the “most right-wing coalition in Israeli history,” and warned that the rapid expansion of settlements was “leading toward one state and perpetual occupation.”

May’s spokesman said she believed Kerry’s remarks were “not appropriate.”

Kerry’s unprecedented remarks came after Israel blasted the administration of US President Barack Obama for not vetoing UN Security Council Resolution 2334 in condemnation of Israel’s settlement activities.

The UK was a signatory to the measure that was passed in a historic 14-0 vote. The US abstained from the vote.

“We are saying effectively that Israel must be allowed to expand into the lands of others which are the Zionist dream, and at the same time we are backing those who are the progenitors and the financiers and the philosophical and religious supporters of Daesh,” Shakespeare said.

“When at last, after God knows how many years, the US finally agrees to publicly recognize that they are supporting a corrupt, fascist, expanding ….

and racist entity, which is what Israel is, the UK of course cant quite face up” to the truth, the scholar added.

“So we play it both ways,” the scholar noted, pointing to Britain’s support for the UN resolution despite May’s rebuke of Washington.

He said London was not going to cease its unconditional support for Israel because, “two-thirds of the Conservative Party are friends of Zionist Israel, I believe over half the Labour Party and the same with the Liberal Party.”

“But the tide of history is going against Israel,” said the scholar. “The Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement is gaining rapid strength and even though President-elect [Donald] Trump in the USA will no doubt be giving a traditional support to Israel, he may have second thoughts,” because of the West’s recent defeats in their foreign policy.


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