Eagerly waiting for Christmas, we have witnessed very difficult circumstances; children have died and people were left homeless, so how can we still be able to celebrate? How could there still be room for joy?!
Although there cannot be, the National Evangelical Church in Bloudan held a Christmas Evening entitled “God takes care of us”, reminding people of the birth of Jesus Christ, where he was born in really difficult circumstances; born in a barn! That evening was about reminding people that Christmas is not about buying new clothes or having fun, but a reminder that although the difficult circumstances that the world is living now, God is the one who is taking care of us and that He is the only one who can give us peace to our hearts.

“It was not right to enjoy and rejoice in such circumstances, as children are sleeping in the street and people are displaced from their homes, no one was able to hear or enjoy the Christmas, but recognising that happiness will not come to us on a silver plate, we decided, despite all that is happening, to continue our training and give whoever is watching us the real meaning of Christmas, which is peace”, he added.
“Most of the hymns we sang dealt with the theme of peace, trying to bring joy to the hearts of the people with our talents and prayers”, Edmon concluded.

Reported by Najla Khoury