German website: Erdogan’s involvement in the Libyan crisis worsens Turkey’s position within NATO

Berlin,(ST)-A German press report confirmed that the involvement of Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s regime in the Libyan crisis and its support for armed militias in this country worsens Turkey’s position within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), pointing to the continued violation by this system of the UN Security Council’s decision to ban the export of arms to Libya.

“Turkey’s support for the Fayez al-Sarraj militia has exacerbated Ankara’s isolation in NATO and has contributed to the deterioration of Turkey’s relationship with the alliance,” according to the German news website Telepolis, noting that “Turkey stands alone … and the gap with the rest of the alliance members increases.”

Several media reports revealed earlier that a large number of mercenaries from the Turkish regime had arrived from Syria to Libya through flights on Libyan Airlines and an airline owned by Abdel Hakim Belhadj, a terrorist al-Qaeda leader based in Turkey.

The German website confirmed that there is increasing evidence of the presence of al-Qaeda elements within the Fayez al-Sarraj militia, noting that the latter’s relationship with extremist organizations, foremost of which is the Brotherhood, is clear, and therefore placing weapons in the hands of these organizations is very dangerous.

It is noteworthy that Erdogan’s ambitions and his obsession with reviving the dreams of the defunct Ottoman Empire entered a new period since a long time ago when  his ambitions, expansionist plots and aggressive policies crossed the borders of the Syrian lands where he supported terrorism in its various forms for years to reach Libya, the rich region that may be the point of salvation for him from his economic crises and the financial  crises chasing him inside Turkey.

Haifaa Mafalani

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