First statement of the Preparatory Committee for the National Dialogue Conference

At a historic moment, preparatory work begins for the conference that brings together all the Syrians for the first time in 75 years to consolidate the approach of dialogue, discuss major national issues and find appropriate solutions.

The conference seeks to discuss political, social, economic and governance issues to lay solid foundations for national consensus, justice, reform and comprehensive representation.

The conference is keen to involve all segments of the Syrian people in various governorates and components to ensure real participation that reflects societal and political diversity.

The dialogue began from the moment of liberation, when various Syrian provinces witnessed extensive community engagement manifested in hundreds of dialogue seminars and specialized meetings organized by social institutions, provinces, and civil society organizations.

This popular interaction, which reflects the pulse of the street and the aspirations of citizens, formed a solid foundation upon which the preparatory committee relied in determining the central ideas and main themes to be discussed at the conference.

Hanan Shamout/ Souha Suleiman

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