DAMASCUS,(ST)_ Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs and Minister of local Trade and Consumer Protection Qadri Jamil stressed that extremist forces at home and abroad, which are scared of a political solution resort to various forms of escalation to prevent a political solution, which is backed by the vast majority of Syrians.
“The language of dialogue and halting violence are, in general, progressing in the Syrian street by the various political forces, but some affected sides in the West , Arab states and the opposition do not want the political solution , a matter which prompts some to carry out criminal and terrorist acts,” Jamil said in an interview with Al-Manar on Monday night.
He explained that terrorist bombings will not intimidate the Syrian people, but even enhance their determination to proceed into a political solution in order to find a safe outlet to the crisis, pointing out that the most important victory to be achieved by the Syrians is to stop violence ,start dialogue and open the way before a comprehensive political solution.
He continued that the achievements of the Syrian army forces which prevent indirect foreign interference and working in parallel on the political solution provide very important results and open horizons that were closed months earlier before solutions aspired by the Syrian people.
He continued that the most important achievements in the last period is the political program to resolve the crisis which was approved by the Syrian government and the State Committee in charge has so far made great achievements through its intensive contacts with all forces concerned , pointing out that very important breakthroughs are expected during coming weeks with forces never expected to sit on the table for preliminary talks.
He indicated the lack of confidence between all parties and the need to build bridges of trust , noting that ” the political program gave assurances and the coming days and weeks will make us build bridges of trust with powers that approved to join the dialogue but cast doubt on its potential, such as the “coordinating body ” at home and abroad “, adding that the government looks for ways to communicate with them and sit at the table for preliminary talks , and that the atmosphere is not negative in this direction.”
T. Fateh