Experimental start of phosphate production at the South Al-Abtar Mine in Homs

On January 14th,the Ministry of Public Works and Housing-run General Company for Building and Development and the Water Projects Company began producing phosphate in the new phosphate mines in Al-Abtar, eastern Homs.

The Minister of Public Works and Housing, Eng. Suhail Abdel Latif, and the Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources, Eng. Bassam Tohme, were briefed on the progress of the works in the new mine, in preparation for putting it into service, as a new crusher was installed at the mine site.

The two ministers were also briefed on the work of the General Company for Construction in Eastern Mines, the work of the two quarries, and the work of indexing and production.

The two ministers discussed with workers from the General Building Company and the General Phosphate Company work difficulties and ways to overcome them with the aim of increasing production.

It is noteworthy that the dimensions of the new mine, which is located in the Homs desert, south of Al-Abtar, are 350 meters long and 250 meters wide. The work on the project began about five months ago.


  1. al-Mohammad
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