Environment Ministry, GORS to Enhance Cooperation

State Ministry for Environment Affairs and the General Organization of Remote Sensing (GORS) have agreed to enhance cooperation. In a recent meeting, both sides discussed the activities and projects being carried out jointly in accordance with the understanding memorandum signed between the two sides.

Minister of State for Environment Affairs Dr. Nazira Sarkis stressed the importance of technical and scientific cooperation and coordination between the ministry and the GORS to serve environmental issues and urged concerned parties to eliminate all obstacles hampering the implementation of joint projects. 

The Minister, who called for using digital maps and space http://syriatimes.sy/images techniques to boost environment work, reiterated the ministry’s readiness to put its potentials and expertise at the service of all plans aiming to carry out more joint projects, pointing out that the ministry has been keen to bolster cooperation and exchange expertise with other ministries and all environment-concerned bodies through signing understanding memos aiming to preserve environment.

The minister said these memos provide for implementing joint activities and adopting suitable procedures to enhance the situation of environment and achieve best investment of human and natural potentials within the framework of the scientific environmental work and sustainable development.

For his part, Director General of the GORS, Dr. Osama Ammar underscored the real partnership between the GORS and the ministry, embodied in exchanging expertise and discussing new ideas to improve the environmental situation.

During the meeting, the two sides followed up the implementation of joint projects and the discussed ways of overcoming the difficulties facing the implementation of some projects being carried out in Al-Sweida province and Al-Ghab plain area.

He underlined the importance of benefitting from the available national expertise in serving the environmental process and working out scientific studies that cope with world technical and scientific research development.

Rawaa Ghanam

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