Early Detection of Breast Cancer Remains the Corner Stone of Breast Cancer Control

“The breast cancer awareness month, marked in countries across the world every October, helps increase attention and support for the awareness, early detection, treatment and palliative care of this disease”, Dr. Wafaa Halloum, Head of the General Health Programs Department at Lattakia’s Health Directorate and the supervisor of the national campaign for early detection of breast cancer in Lattakia, said in an interview with the Syriatimes e-newspaper.

Breast cancer awareness has been increasing substantially. Women are more educated about the options today, which is something of great importantance.

She underscored that the early detection of breast cancer is a top priority of the Syrian health ministry which seeks through its national campaign to disseminate awareness about breast cancer, offering methods of protection from this disease, providing help and inspiring hope to those affected by breast cancer through early detection, education and supportive services.

“Within the framework of the national campaign, a number of awareness lectures, meetings and symposiums  are being held to educate women on how to perform a breast self-exam ,  offering methods of protection from this disease, inviting women to take necessary tests for the early detection of cancer as it saves women from total mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation” Dr. Halloum indicated.

She made it clear that that 120 health centers in addition to a number of mobile medical teams in cooperation with several civil and non-government organizations in Lattakia province receive on a daily basis women of different ages in order to conduct free and radiological and medical examination as well as echo and screening mammograms.

Dr. Halloum said” the daily footfall during the campaign is very high, underscoring that the free breast cancer early detection services are not limited to the campaign period , rather they will be available all the year round”.

Keeping your body in a healthy condition through having good sleep, healthy food and through regular exercise can seriously reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

Dr. Halloum underscored that  this year’s “You can Triumph over Cancer”  national campaign is characterized by carrying out a friendly basketball match between two teams of young girls with the aim of raising awareness on the breast cancer since early age and on the role of sports in avoiding cancer risks.

She added that the national campaign in cooperation with the World Health Organization is due to tour a number of public squares, café and restaurants in Lattakia city to distribute brochures and leaflets on the early detection.

Dr. Halloum affirmed that leading a healthy lifestyle, doing any kind of sport in addition to following necessary treatment can help reduce risk factors for breast cancer.

Addressing all women, Dr. Halloum concluded “be stronger than cancer, never give up, know where to start, be active, creative and do as much for yourself as possible”.


Interviewed by Rawaa Ghanam

Photos by Rawaa Ghanam

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