Displacing the Palestinians from Shiekh Jarrah neighborhood by the Israeli occupation a clear ethnic cleansing crime

UK’s “The Guardian” newspaper has stressed that the Israeli occupation’s aggressive acts against the Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in occupied Al-Quds (Jerusalem) is not a ‘real estate dispute’, rather, it is clear ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian land and homes.

In an article by Lucy Garbett published on Monday, the British newspaper said that what is going on in Sheikh Jarrah is the latest chapter in a long campaign to erase the Palestinian presence in Al-Quds, pointing out that the Israeli occupations forces have been spraying Palestinian homes, shops, restaurants, public spaces and cultural institutions with putrid water at high pressure to force the Palestinians to leave their houses and the entire neighborhood.

Palestinian protesters are also targeted. They are brutally beaten, arrested by the Israeli police, attacked by settlers and sprayed with rubber bullets.

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 Hamda Mustafa

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