DAMASCUS,(ST)_Syria has warned against the spread of Saudi-backed terrorism all over the world, stressing that the Saudi intelligence has increased its support for al-Qaeda linked terrorists.
It has called on the UN Security council to adopt urgent procedures to hold the Saudi regime the accountability for spreading the extremist Takfiri thinking and for backing terrorism in Syria.
The call was made in a letter sent by Foreign and Expatriates Ministry today to the UNSC on the continuity of the Saudi regime’s blatant intervention in the Syrian Arab Republic’s internal affairs.
According to the official news agency, the letter underscored that the Saudi regime has provided money, arms and logistic support to the terrorist groups in Syria.
“The Saudi intelligence has recruited al-Qaeda-affiliated extremist terrorists and prisoners – of different nationalities- in the Saudi prisons and released them to be sent to kill the Syrian people,” the letter read.
It added that the Saudi regime exploits the existence of Muslim Shrines in the kingdom to legitimize terrorism in Syria through spreading Takfiri thinking and issuing distorted Fatawas that call for ‘Jihad ‘ against the Syrian state.
The letter clarified that TV channels and internet are being used to recruit thousands of Takfiris from all over the world to fight the Syrian state and to kill the Syrian people in a flagrant violation of Islam principles and UN resolutions.
“Recently, the Saudi intelligence represented by Bandar Bin Sultan reactivated al-Qaeda-linked terrorist groups and increased the logistic support for them,” the letter said, noting that the coordination between the Saudi intelligence and its ilk in the neighboring countries facilitates the influx of trained fighters into Syria.
“Increasing rate”
The ministry’s letter added: “It became clear to everyone that thousands of Saudi terrorists are fighting in Syria for the so-called al-Nusra Front, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, Islam Army and some battalions, such as Abdullah Azzam battalion.”
“The pace of al-Qaeda-linked Saudi terrorists who are fighting in Syria picked up from 10% to 15% and the Syrian competent authorities have eliminated 300 Saudi terrorists including the ringleader for the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant ,Motlaq al-Motlaq, who was killed outside Aleppo province,” the letter said.
It affirmed that the Saudi regime plus its intelligence and tools (terrorist groups in Syria) are responsible for the shedding of the Syrian people blood through their involvement in terrorist acts targeting civilians and the country’s infrastructure as well as Mosques and Churches.
The ministry mentioned the mortar attack that targeted Omayyad Mosque in the old Damascus city on November,30,2013 where 4 citizens- including a woman and a child- were martyred and 26 others wounded. It also noted that the terrorists stormed the monastery of St Thecla (Mar Taqla) in Maaloula town outside Damascus and held Mother Pelagia Sayyaf and a number of nuns hostage.
Urgent step a ‘must’
“The Saudi Foreign Minister bragging about sending arms and terrorists to armed groups in Syria is a very dangerous matter and necessitates the adoption urgent measures by the Security Council as most of the terrorist groups are affiliated to blacklisted terrorist organizations, ” the ministry said.
It appealed to the UNSC to seriously consider the information mentioned in the letter and to take necessary measures to quell such unprecedented acts being practiced by the Saudi regime.
The ministry asserted that the Saudi-backed extremist Takfiri terrorism causes daily dozens of innocent victims nationwide and poses threats not only to Syria but also to the whole world.
On December 5th, the ministry sent a letter to the UNSC on the continuity of the Turkish authority’s involvement in supporting the armed terrorist groups operating in Syria.
It called on the UNSCS to question supporters of terrorism and to fulfill its role in combating terrorism which targets the Syrian people and the state.
Basma Qaddour