The new Coronavirus has killed more than two million and 478 thousand people around the world since its appearance in December 2019.
According to the latest statistics of the American Worldometer site, the total number of Corona infections around the world has so far reached 111970296, and the total deaths reached 2478,354 cases.
The total total cases of recovery from the virus has reached 87336130 cases.
In Germany, data from the Robert Koch Institute for Infectious Diseases showed that the number of Corona infections rose to two million 390,928 cases after 4,369 new infections were recorded.
The total number of deaths reached 67,903 cases after 62 new deaths were recorded.
The National Health Commission in China announced that 11 new cases of Coronavirus were recorded on the mainland during the past twenty-four hours, all from abroad, bringing the total number of infections on the mainland to 89,842 cases, while the number of deaths is still 4,636.
O. al-Mohammad