Conspirators’ Dreams Gone With the Wind, Says al-Halqi

DAMASCUS, (ST)_”actually, it is a strategic turning point and a new horizon for upcoming successive victories nationwide, curbing conspiracy and it is a personal defeat for those who bankrolled and supported armed terrorist groups “underscored Prime Minister, Dr. Wael al-Halqi referring to regaining security and stability to al-Quseir area.

Al-Halqi’s comments were made  during a meeting of the ministerial committee entrusted  with materializing  the political program for solving the crisis in Syria with members of the Veterinarians Syndicate and the Syndicate of Syrian Agronomist Engineers on Wednesday.

” recalling  the Israeli aggression on June 5th  1967, we underline   that the time of defeats and lies  is over…where  the conspirators ‘dream  against Syria evaporated, ” al-Halqi added.

He made it clear  that the distinguished  achievement realized in  al-Quseir  will be a landmark for restoring security and stability nationwide.

“the government will not allow any group, gang or individuals to lift up arms against state or citizens, “stressed al-Halqi.

During the meeting ,al-Halqi reiterated  a call  for the Syrians to support  and ensure the success of the forthcoming national dialogue .The next stage requires further efforts for reconstruction and retuning brightness to Syria stressing that the coming stage necessitates synchronized efforts to prepare for the reconstruction process.

” the government is exerting strenuous efforts  to boost   the national economy’s condition  only to make  the aspirations of the Syrian people a reality ,” affirmed al-Halqi.

Al-Halqi also briefed his  guests  on the committee’s previous meetings with the political forces and parties and popular organizations to crystallize visions and common denominators that ensure the success of the national dialogue which he considers ”the sole way for solving the crisis.”

” the veterinarians’ and agronomist engineers’ syndicates have a vital role in developing the agricultural sector and livestock in achieving self-sufficiency and food security, not to mention their role in fostering the culture of dialogue and tolerance, “added al Halqi.

For their part, head of the Syrian Veterinarians Syndicate, Dr. Samir Ismael and Chairperson of the Syndicate of Syrian Agronomist Engineers, Rama Aziz voiced  support to the political program for solving the crisis, praising  the government’s efforts to strengthening  national economy.

The syndicates’ members lauded  the victories of the Syrian army in al-Quseir.

Addressing reporters after the meeting , head of the Veterinarians Syndicate said that the political program for solving the crisis ”is the dream of every Syrian,” .


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