Community initiatives will be launched in Bosra Al-Sham in Daraa countryside during Ramadan to support families in need

With the aim of helping the most needy families in the city of Busra Al-Sham, and securing their requirements in the holy month of Ramadan, economic and social parties, in cooperation and coordination with the local community and the city council, launched a number of community initiatives.
The initiatives range from distributing food baskets and financial aid, and performing free surgeries for some patients by a group of volunteer doctors.
The head of the Busra Al-Sham City Council, Suleiman Al-Shahmah, noted the importance of community initiatives to support needy families and demonstrate social solidarity, while the head of the local community committee, Awad Al-Miqdad, stressed the necessity of cooperation with various parties with the aim of helping a segment of society suffering from difficult economic conditions, explaining that the distribution of baskets will take place at the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan.
Local community health sector coordinator Bakr Al-Bakr pointed out that work is continuing to secure medicines for chronic diseases through some pharmacies participating in the initiatives.
A number of participants in the initiatives, a group of doctors and merchants, some of whom are expatriates abroad, confirmed that it is an opportunity to provide support to needy families and the sick, and it is a humanitarian and national duty, and it contributes to strengthening and organizing volunteer work to reach the largest number of people in need of such services that consolidate the bonds of cooperation between people of the society under these difficult circumstances.
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