Chile Joins South Africa’s Genocide Case Against Israeli Entity at ICJ

The International Court of Justice has announced that it has received a request from Chile to join the genocide case filed by South Africa against the Israeli occupation entity against the background of its ongoing aggression on the Gaza Strip.

WAFA reported that Chile has asked to join the lawsuit filed by South Africa against “Israel” for violation of the UN Convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide signed in 1948, pointing to Chile’s desire to present its point of view on the interpretation of the provisions of the convention relevant to the issue.

Chile stressed in its request that the court should take into account in particular the use by occupation officials of statements related to genocide.

Chile thus becomes the eighth State to accede to the cause of genocide in the Gaza Strip after Palestine, Nicaragua, Colombia, Libya, Mexico, Spain and Turkey.

Hamas welcomed Chile’s submission of an application to join South Africa’s lawsuit against the occupation entity, stressing Chile’s humanitarian positions, its bias towards the values of justice and its rejection of flagrant violations of international laws.

The movement called on all countries of the world to join the genocide case filed against the occupation at the International Court of justice and escalate all forms of pressure on it to stop its brutal war against the Palestinian people and prevent its impunity.

Amal Farhat

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