The renowned Syrian actress Sulaf Fawakherji has said that the first movie directed by her under the title ‘Rasa’el al-Karaz’ [ Cherry messages] talks about the occupied Syrian Golan and she is directing another movie entitled ‘Madad’.
Her remark was made during a press conference held Thursday in Homs city a day after screening the first movie directed by her in the cultural center in Homs city.
She expressed her happiness for visiting the city of Homs and at the same time she expressed sorrow over the destruction caused by the war being waged on Syria, calling on the Syrian people to rebuild the homeland and to help develop it.
On his part, Director of festivals and international relations in the General Cinema Establishment Ammar Hamed said that cinema could convey messages that remain fresh in the memories of people for hundreds of years.
‘Rasa’el al-Karaz’ movie, which took part in the 31st Alexandria Film Festival for Mediterranean Countries last September, narrates a romantic love story between Syrian young man and girl from the occupied Syrian Golan.
The story highlights many prominent phases in the temporary history of Syria following the independence in 1946, the setback of June war 1967, October Liberation War in 1973, up till the events of 2013.
Over the past few years, many movies have been directed on the crisis Syria is going through and some of them have received awards in regional and international festivals.
Basma Qaddour