Tartous (ST): On the first day of the 11th Dalbeh Mashta El Helou Festival for Culture and Arts, “Echo of Berries and Silk”, natural silk products were displayed in Dalbeh Square in MashtaEl-Helou
The exhibition included paintings by artist Sana Salman from the city of Dreikeesh made from silkworm cocoons, which are part of the province’s heritage, specifically in the regions of Dreikeesh and Mashta El Helou.
Salman’s paintings were characterized by the simulation of Damascene jasmine, Damascene rose and chrysanthemum due to the aesthetics of roses in the artistic field, using silkworm cocoons, and consecrating their white color on a black velvet background, adding some yellow to the chrysanthemum flower.
Sami Naddaf, who comes from Homs, displayed silk handicrafts in the colors and patterns of the villages and regions that characterize them, and shawls woven with hooks that women adorn on all social occasions.
A live show was presented in Dalbeh Square on silkworm breeding, in addition to a documentary film directed and screen played by Al-Muhannad Kulthum and produced by the General Film Corporation, which talks about the Syrian silk journey.
The film dealt with the process in which silkworm eggs are hatched and the worm is nurtured during its life until it turns into a cocoon by using its threads to spin silk.
The film also talked about the stages of silkworm breeding, in addition to the methods of raising silkworms and the participation of the whole family in this traditional ritual.