All that glitter is not gold

All that is said is not true, and not everyone  who says can do. There are many metals, but gold is the valuable of all.

Many metals can be polished and painted to seem attractive. The paint makes that rusty metal as valuable and of a high price. But when it is tested, the paint is washed away and the truth appears clearly. This means that honesty pays in the long run.

Whatever the deceit may be, originality, truth and honesty will be the base of anything, as falsehood and dishonesty will be proved that it is untrue.

Let’s imgine a building of salt which appears as a true building in its shape. It will not last long. Salt will be washed away and truth will be clear.

The external appearance will not change anything of the origin of the truth. Beauty is not to wear

beautiful clothes. If beauty is to be true, it must be clothed in a moral character.

You may admire a man’s stature and his clothes, but the clothing might hide stupidity and foolishness.

The apparel may deceive and truth will remain bright like the sun.

Sh/ Kh

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