Al-Sweida basalt treasure

General Institution for Miniral Treasure and Geology’s Branch in Sweida has carried recently a special study on al sweida basalt treasure.

The study aimed at concentrating on the importance of the governorate’s basalt treasure due to its key role in supporting the Syria’s industrial sector.

 Director of the institution’s Branch Mazen al-Khatib spoke about the Branch’s endeavors regarding developing the processes of investing the Bazilt treasure in the city through drawing up the required topographic plants regarding investing all the Basalt rocks in the city.

The director who took part in the study also in a special lecture gave briefing on the governorate’s basalt treasure and the reasons behind the formation of the basalt rocks which existed due to the explosion of 400 volcanoes in the district of sweida.

Mr. al-katib also gave priority to the city’s Bazilt rock’s role in many important industries, namely in the industry of construction substances and building works.

During the lecture the director also spoke about the volcanic soil’s main role in the agricultural sector due to the containing of the K, N, and A chemical elements.

He also referred to the beauty of the Basalt rocks including the black color which attracted all the tourists from the world’s all various countries.

“The volcanic explosions formed many distinguished natural caves in Sweida, namely the cave of Ariqa and al-hawa in Oum-al-Roman villages.” Mr al-Khatib added in his lecture.

The Director included his lecture by talking about man’s efforts regarding benefiting from the Basalt treasure for 4000 years in the construction field, including the building of castles, bridges, temples, statues and theaters.


Nahla al-Mazz



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