Film director Mohannad Kalthoum won the Best Director Award for his short feature film (Photograph) at the conclusion of the 4th Al Nour International Film Festival in Casablanca, Morocco.
The film (Photograph) was produced by the General Film Organization.
The events of the film (Photograph) revolve around the effects of the war on Syria, enforced child labor in order to stand by their families to provide them with financial support in exchange for giving up their educational rights.
The official competition jury included director Hakim Kababi as chairman, scriptwriter El Oudghiri Hosni and actor Mustafa Slaoui as members.
15 feature films from several countries, including Morocco, Syria, Sweden, Iraq, Tunisia, Palestine and Egypt were competing for the festival prizes.
It is noteworthy that (Photograph) was written by Buthaina Naissa and starring Suleiman Al-Ahmad, Ghaleb Shandoba, Jamal Al-Ali, Sufouh Mimas, and Etab Abu Saada.
Inas Abdulkareem