Al-Halqi stresses government to press ahead with fighting terrorism, improving living conditions, enhancing reconciliation

DAMASCUS,(ST)_Prime Minister has reiterated that Syrian government will go ahead with fighting terrorism, supporting armed forces, enhancing local reconciliations and improving citizens’ living conditions.

Addressing the People’s Assembly [Parliament] today, Wael al-Halqi said that government focuses on improving citizens’ living conditions despite intensification of economic sanctions and shortage of resources.

He clarified that government will continue to subsidize basic items- electricity, water, irrigation, transport, agriculture and industry- in accordance with rationalization principle.

“The government has reviewed subsidy policy due to the shortage of resources that was caused by terror attacks on basic sectors. It was necessary to rationalize subsidy and control spending in order to improve living condition,” the PM said.

He added that government subsidy for all sectors in 2015 budget reached up to 983.5 billion Syrian pound.

” SYP 28 billion for Higher education, SYP 188 billion for education, SYP 180 billion for supply sector [bread, rice and sugar], SYP 104 billion for Health sector, SYP 418 billion for power sector, SYP 10 billion for agricultural products, SYP 10 billion for social aid fund and SYP 45 billion for water and irrigation sectors.”

Al-Halqi stressed that Syria’s production of oil dramatically slumped and reached just  9445 barrels per day because of repeated terror attacks on oil fields and pipelines.   

He indicated that power generation reached 2500 megawatt per day during the crisis, while it was 7100 MW before it.

Al-Halqi underscored that the current stage requires integration and cooperation among all society components.

He, in addition, talked about steadfastness  of Syrian people and army in confronting the most dangerous terrorist gangs that receive support from some western countries, Arab regimes, Turkey and Israel.

Al-Halaqi said that Israel’s recent aggression of Quneitra proves cooperation between Israel and terrorist organizations.

On the other hand, the PM asserted that the government positively deals with Arab and international initiatives that help reach a political solution to the crisis in the country.

“National opposition is a partner in inter-Syrian dialogue,” al-Halqi reiterated .

Basma Qaddour 

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