Activities and recommendations of the second day of renewable energy in Damascus

The activities of the first conference for investment in the electricity and renewable energies sector continued for the second day at the Jasmine House Hotel in Damascus.

The Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade, Dr. Muhammad Samer Al-Khalil, opened the first session .He indicated that the conference is an opportunity to exchange experiences and put forward ideas, noting that the ministry is working to facilitate procedures for obtaining import licenses for the requirements of renewable energies.

For his part, Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources, Dr. Bassam Tohmah , spoke about the importance of benefiting from geothermal energy stored in the ground, known as (Gyuterma), as it is more sustainable than solar and wind energy, and because of its lower costs and the absence of negative effects on the environment.

Head of the Planning and International Cooperation Authority, Fadi Salti, during the activities of the second session of the conference, indicated that Syria, since the pre-war years, was the least country that received development aid directed towards energy projects, according to United Nations data.

Muhammad Orfali, Chairman of the Energy Committee for Natural Gas in the Damascus Chamber of Industry said to syriatimes:

“We raised the issue of geothermal energy, which is always available and does not require conditions such as the sun, summer or winter, or even batteries that require a  cost .

We are now heading to geothermal energy because it is preliminary.

Studies indicate that this energy is sufficient for a thousand years and is an alternative to fossil fuels energy. So in Syria, there is  an urgent need to provide an alternative sector for the extraction of electricity.

We have the raw materials, equipment and studies of the layers of the earth.

Today, we are waiting for approvals and licenses to start work and form a radical change in energy saving.

Kevin  Hsu the Chairman of Mag Al Maden Company talked to syria times about his project.

« I think as an emerging market we mainly focus on Damascus, not all the country .

He  added « Our job depends on supporting the ecosystem  and solar bino »

One of the most important obstacles we face is the financial system  because we don’t have a swift system here and all the financial system is working in a new way .

We have to study the  environment to overcome the obstacles.

We all have excellent power design technologies but we have to provide financial support.

To a  question about the impact of economic sanctions on the project Hsu answered:

“The minister said in this conference that there is exemption of the materials so it is good for us and for the  finance of this progect” .

Syriatimes interviewed  Dr . Moutaz Dalati, the general director of Azurite Company (Oil Logistic Services) who talked  about his participation in the conference.

‘The interest in renewable energies prompted us to participate in this important conference.

We presented a proposal for the exploitation of geothermal energy.This energy is available and known all over the world.

This energy is available and its prices are acceptable, and it must be invested optimally.

Our company is working on re-extracting energy from pre-existing wells, and thus the process is less expensive.

We also  have the well of Abu Rabah and also in Al-Dameer and on the Daraa road.

Our company has studied three suitable areas for energy extraction and we are waiting  today for some facilities to start work and to apply our experience to other areas.

In conclusion the conference’s recommendations focused on asking the United Nations to work to lift the unilateral economic sanctions imposed on the Syrian people, in addition to allowing the private sector to participate in bearing greater responsibility for reliable and competitive energy supply.

In addition to giving priority to renewable energy projects and equipment in terms of securing foreign exchange, and studying the possibility of considering the assets of existing renewable energy projects as part of the value of the guarantees provided to obtain financing for new renewable energy projects.

Reported by Sanaa Hasan

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