The “Magical Santa Claus Factory” is the title of the artistic show held by the Sona Lyrical Theater for Children in Dar Al Tarbiya Theater in the city of Aleppo. It included educational and Christmas songs and dances.
Archbishop Hartion Soleimian, head of the Armenian Protestant sect in Syria said in a statement to SANA reporter that the show is an expression of the joy of life in the faces of Syrian children on the occasion of the approaching Christmas and New Year.
The artist, Sona Selkjian, director of the Sona Lyrical Theater, indicated that the Santa Claus Magic Factory is a musical play through which children travel to the world of Santa Claus and gifts, considering that the message addressed to the attendees is that children are the most beautiful gift in the world.
Hovik Shahrian, one of supervisors of the celebration, drew attention to the importance of these activities, which present educational songs of value to children in a fun and close-to-their-mind format to enrich their music wealth with new songs in classical Arabic.
From the performance team, Eng. Alaa Amroush mentioned that the message presented by the ceremony is based on bringing love, joy and peace to the hearts of youngsters.
Some of the audience expressed their happiness at attending these meaningful celebrations, amidst the children’s interaction with them greatly, because they depended on the atmosphere of singing and dancing.
Inas Abdulkareem