A Czech reportage on tourist sites in Maaloula

The Czech television station Prima has televised a reportage on the city of Maaloula and its main tourist sites, highlighting the keenness of its inhabitants to preserve the Aramaic language of Christ through teaching it to the younger generations.

Maaloula is one of the rare regions in the world that still speaks the language of Jesus up till now, reporter Patrick Kaiser, who visited Syria last week, said, presenting at the beginning and the end of the reportage video clips on Aramaic prayers.

Kaiser spoke of the destruction caused by armed terrorist organizations in the city before liberation by the Syrian Arab Army, pointing out that its residents have wrapped up this black chapter of the city’s history and look forward to the future.

Kaiser stressed that now in Syria you can see the will of Syrians to live in peace and quiet, preserve their traditions and revive the cultural richness of their country

Inas Abdulkareem

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