“ Deal of the Century will not Pass thanks to Resistance” a Literary and Artistic Competition Launched by Iranian Cultural Center in Damascus
Under the title “Deal of the Century will not Pass thanks to Resistance” , the cultural center of the Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus has launched the third session of Imam Khomeini annual competition for literary and artistic creativity in poetry, story and plastic arts.
The competition in the field of poetry requires that the number of verses of the participating poem range between 20 to 25 verses and the short story does not exceed 5 pages and 12,000 words written in Classical Arabic. The plastic arts of the competition include photography, acrylic, and graphics.
The prizes for the first competition for each branch were determined as SYP 250 thousand , the second SYP 150 thousand and the third 100,000.
Submitting to the the competition, which is held in cooperation with the Arab Writers and Plastic Artists unions will continue until the end of next August.
Rawaa Ghanam