Shamkhani: The Americans are responsible for all the repercussions of the Soleimani assassination


Tehran,(ST)- The Americans should not have committed the crime of assassinating the commander of the Quds Failiq in the  Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Lieutenant-General Qassem Soleimani and his companions,” said Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of the Iranian Supreme National Security Council,  but after their hands are stained with blood, they must bear the responsibility and repercussion of this crime.

 Shamkhani said in a statement today that “the Supreme Council for National Security has put the follow-up of the assassination issue on its agenda … Although the decision will be taken on the basis of international and security considerations, there are altogether 19 bases, including 11 major US bases in the region, and we are monitoring even their slightest movements.” He pointed out that “when making strategic decisions, it is not possible to determine the position of a country on the basis of emotion, but there are hundreds of other factors that play a role in that.”


Shamkhani noted that Iran has “13 scenarios to respond to American crime.”


Haifaa Mafalani


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