The Directorate of Tourism in Sweida revealed the return of four tourist establishments to work in Thahr alJabal in Sweida after stopping for years because of the terrorist war on Syria.
Head of the Directorate of tourism in Sweida Yarub Arbeed told SANA correspondent that these projects are stationed in the tourist area of Thahr alJabal, which is characterized by its charming nature, hills, fresh air and breathtaking view that make it an attractive location for resort and one of the most prominent tourist destinations in the province.
The number of tourism projects licensed in this region reached 18 projects with a total cost of 81 billion Syrian pounds and provided about six thousand job opportunities, including nine projects in service and six licensed projects under implementation plus three projects under license.
He pointed to the remarkable turnout of investors to invest in the tourism sector in Sweida and the acceleration of tourist investment movement in recent years in spite of the current crisis, in light of the availability of all tourism, environmental and archaeological elements in the governorate, which is considered a tourist and investment attraction.
It is noteworthy that the total number of tourism projects, which have obtained licenses for tourism reconstruction in the governorate since the beginning of this year, reached 11 projects at a total cost of more than 4 billion SPز
Inas Abdulkareem