Sen. Richard Black to ST: The world Would Be Much Safer If President Trump Replaced Bolton and Pompeo

It is still uncertain whether the United States will go to war with Iran or not, according to the US Senator Richard Hayden Black, who asserted that the world would be much safer if the U.S. President Donald Trump replaced his national security adviser John Bolton and the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

 The senator affirmed that Bolton is extremely dangerous because President Trump does not exercise proper control over military matters. He referred to the fact that Bolton immediately countermanded President Trump’s order to withdraw all U.S. forces from Syria.

Sen. Black’s remarks came during an interview with the Syria Times e-newspaper over US-Iran tensions and the US military presence in Syria.

 Following is the full text of the interview:

ST: Is the U.S. going to war with Iran?

 Sen. Black: This is uncertain.  President Trump and the Saudis say no, but there are still provocative actions being taken to trigger a conflict.  For Instance, some American oil contractors have been evacuated from Iraq without permission from the Iraqi government.  Also, U.S. diplomatic staff were removed from Iraq.  The U.S. did move B-52 heavy bombers into position, although all other military movements appear to have been routine.

 Saudi Arabia, which has invaded Yemen in a criminal war of aggression, is complaining that the Houthis are fighting back against their invasion by attacking an oil pipeline with drones.

 All of Iran’s military movements were designed to defend against an American attack.  There is absolutely no chance that Iran will take aggressive action against the U.S., although the western media say that certain unspecified “intelligence” says they are being aggressive.  Since Mossad, the Saudis and the U.A.E. have long wanted to have America attack Iran, intelligence reports from those sources lack all credibility.

 ST: Why does the U.S. enhance its military presence in the Arabian Gulf?

 Sen. Black: John Bolton was a draft dodger in Vietnam.  He favors wars so long as he does not risk harm to himself.  He is a coward, who sends other men to fight wars he ran away from himself.

 Bolton caused a complete debacle when he tried to stage a coup against Venezuela. He intended to install Juan Guaidó as a CIA-installed puppet president, but the people did not support Guaidó.  He had almost no real backing from the people of Venezuela.  John Bolton made the U.S. look foolish but within the same week, he was trying to start a new war with Iran.  He just wants to start a war against someone—anyone.

 Now, he is attempting to raise tensions in order to trigger a war with Iran.  He knows that provocative actions against Iran might trigger a war, which would bring him fame and fortune.  The man has no moral principles.  John Bolton is a reckless fool; he is anxious to shed the blood of innocent men, women and children.

 ST: Do you think Mr. Donald Trump will keep some of US troops in Syria after the liberation of Idlib by Syrian army and allies?

 Sen. Black: I am pleased that Syria is finally moving against the terrorists in Idlib.  Right now, the terrorists do not seem to put up strong resistance, but that could change.  I believe that Idlib will be liberated a section at a time.

 President Trump ordered an immediate withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Syria, but John Bolton immediately countermanded his order.  I would have fired him immediately, but President Trump let him make the decision that only the President should make.

 If Idlib falls, the Kurdish region will become more tenuous.  Turkey does not want an independent Kurdish region and the Arab majority is bitter toward heavy-handed Kurdish rule, which has been encouraged by the Americans.   Kurds must reconcile with the Syrian government.  It has always been generous toward them.

 I hope that the U.S. will leave northern Syria soon. That would permit all parties to reconcile and begin rebuilding Syria. But militants in the Trump Administration will resist removing them.  It is not clear to me that anyone ever obeyed Trump’s order to leave Syria.

 ST: Who is the real acting president Mr. Trump or Mr. Bolton?

 Sen. Black: Bolton is extremely dangerous because the President does not exercise proper control over military matters.  His staff are dangerously militaristic, and they have far too much independence.  There are signs that President Trump is becoming exasperated by their inept and immature actions. Hopefully, he will assert proper control over them.

 Unfortunately, the President has assembled an irresponsible and inexperienced war cabinet.  Instead of restraining rash impulses of the President, they try to inflame them.  The President needs to replace Bolton and Pompeo.  The world would be much safer if he did so.

 When President H.W. Bush invaded Iraq, it made him very popular for 18 months.  After that, he suffered a disastrous defeat in his bid for reelection.  Today, Americans have been at war for 18 years in Afghanistan and many other places; they are war weary.  I do not believe Americans would have as much patience with a war against Iran as they did with Iraq, and I believe President Trump would lose reelection in 2020 if he attacked Iran. Hopefully, the President knows this too.


Interviewed by: Basma Qaddour

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