First Lady Receives Some Martyrs’ Families

DAMASCUS, (ST)- Caring for the families of the martyres, who sacrifid themselves to protect the homeland, has been one of the top priorities of the Syrian state.

Within this framework, First Lady, Mrs. Asma Al-Assad on Thursday received a number of families and sons of martyres who sacrificed their souls while fighting terrorism to defend Syria’s dignity and sovereignty.

 According to the Presidency facebook page, the meeting came amid the Syrians celebrations on Christmas and the New Year and within the framwork of Mrs. Asma Al-Assad’s continuous meetings with families of the martyrs; meetings that were never stopped during the time of war.

Mrs. Asma met the families of martyrs, Gen. Nizar Kamal Saleh from Hama, Colonel Qusai Mohammad Merhej from Tartous as well as Amar and Nawras al-Hussein al-Hasan from Deir Ezzor.

Hamda Mustafa 

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