Damascus, (ST) – With the participation of some 45 local, Arab and foreign companies, the 6th International Energy, Heating, Ventilation, Cooling and Air Conditioning (ALL – ENERGEY) was launched here on Monday at the Dama Rose Hotel.
The exhibition, which was organized by the Tayyarah Exhibition and Conferences Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Electricity, the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, and the National Center for Energy Research and the Engineers Syndicate, included the specialties of heating, ventilation, cooling, Air Conditioning, electric power, water technology, environmental systems and all reconstruction requirements during the next phase.
In a statement to reporters after the opening ceremony, Minister of Electricity Eng. Mohamed Zuhair Kharbotli pointed out that the exhibition presents the production of companies in the field of renewable and alternative energies because they are environmentfriendly and a main supporter of the electrical system.
He indicated that the Ministry of Electricity has strategic plans to implement projects to generate electricity using renewable energies. The project includes the implementation of a photovoltaic power plant in the area of Al Keswa in Damascus countryside, with a capacity of 1.25 megawatts at a total cost of one billion S.P., which will save about 500 tons of fuel annually by 90 million S.P.
Mr. Kharbotli pointed out that the Ministry has issued several laws that contribute to encourage investment in the field of renewable energies, both public and private sectors.
In a similar statement, Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade Dr. Samer Khalil confirmed that efforts are being exerted to expand and encourage investments in alternative energies for their long-term importance and to reduce dependence on fuel for energy generation. He called on companies in this sector to contribute to the development process and the production field in the coming phase.
Mr. Khalil pointed to the great efforts made by the Ministry of Electricity in this area, which began to be noticed on the ground, stressing that the government seeks to ensure infrastructure and provide the necessary support for this sector to increase the number of productive plants in the field of energy during the coming period.
For his part, Minister of Industry Ahmed Hamo underlined the importance of energy projects during the reconstruction phase, especially the environment friendly renewable energies, noting that despite the high costs of construction of such projects, but they are characterized by economic sustainability.
Director General of the organizing foundation of the exhibition Mowafaq Tayarah pointed out that the reconstruction requires a large number of specialized companies in various fields including energy, noting the keenness of the Foundation during this session to attract a number of Arab and European companies that have high expertise in this domain to have a role in the next phase.
The exhibition was accompanied by seminars and scientific lectures aimed at citizens and consumers and reviewed the reality of the electricity sector and the new in the field of energy.
Sh. Kh.