Weaponization of Children!

  The sinister schemes and aggressions against Syria have been prepared and enacted on the ground once the greedy colonial forces found their fabrications, lackeys and traitors ready to destroy the only secular cradle of civilization in this part of the world. The terrorists and their backers aimed to distort, spoil and destroy every aspect of Syria’s civilized life using every means of distortion and fabrications, particularly mainstream media (MSM).

“Syria has been exposed to a media attack; media, notwithstanding its importance, cannot outdo the reality. They might be stronger in space- satellite transmission-, but we are stronger on the ground than in the space. Still, we want to win on the ground as well as in the space.” said H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad in press statements following the casting of his vote  in Syria’s New Constitution referendum, February 26  2012.

Once again, the lies and fabrication made by the terrorist organizations and the US-UK-financed White Helmets as well as the media outlets supporting them about events in Syria continue to be exposed.

 A new revelation came on Tuesday after the five years old boy Omarn Daqneesh, whose photo in an orange ambulance seat spread across the Main Stream Media (MSM) in August last year to be exploited against the Syrian government, appeared again to belie the reports and images circulated about him being injured in an alleged airstrike by the Syrian army.  


 The boy’s new appearance uncovers the comic play performed by the so-called White Helmet and used by western and Gulf states late last year to harm the reputation of the Syrian army and provoke an international resolution against Syria.

 Hamda Mustafa, News Department Head at the Syria Times, quoted SANA’s  interview with the father of Omran Daqneesh to uncover the details of the lie made by the “White Helmets”. He stressed that his child was kidnapped from him by a terrorist group as he was injured in a blast in Karm al-Qaterji area in Aleppo. The terrorist took photos for the dusty-covered but unharmed child Omran in order to exploit them against the Syrian army. These photos and videos were published in the enemy’s media outlets.

“I and my family were in al-Qaterji neighborhood when our house was damaged in an explosion. Despite my wounds, I carried my child Omran, who was luckily unharmed, and left as fast as we could fearing another blast,” said the father.

He added that a number of terrorists took Omran from him, put him in an ambulance, started to take photos and videos for him and publish them claiming that the boy was injured in a Syrian army airstrike. He reaffirmed that Omran wasn’t injured and that all the published images were fake and were a false play performed by the terrorists.

Omran’s father revealed that the foreign-backed terrorist groups offered to pay him a large amounts of cash to spread lies about what happened to his son and to make interviews attacking the Syrian army. He said he refused and insisted to stay in Aleppo and not to surrender to their request despite threats and the huge pressure put on him. 

The MSM outlets, which made Omran’s photos a fatty meal in the past, stand today blind and deaf after their lie and attempt to trade with childhood in Syria to save the terrorists was uncovered and they will ignore of the new revelation about Omran Daqneesh, who is now living with his family in Suleiman al-Halabi neighborhood.

Nessa Beeley, the British investigative journalist, wrote to the 21st Century Wire

Omran has been found alive and well in East Aleppo. Syrian & Lebanese media have been interviewing the father of Omran Daqneesh the traumatized boy that graced the covers of virtually every media outlet in August 2016. Omran’s bewilderment reduced news anchors to tears and tipped the world over the edge of rational thought and into the realms of sentimentalized chaos. To the West, he became the symbol of intervention. We almost went to war over Omran. 

Omran’s dad tells how “rebels” traded w/blood of his son & how he was offered money 2 do interviews & attack the govt.

Why are the corporate media not rushing to Aleppo to interview and investigate, after all Omran was one of the most effective icons of the media war on Syria, his photograph even winning the Getty award for the most “Defining Image” 2016. Despite the fact that the photo itself was taken by Mahmoud Raslan, a supporter of the East Aleppo child beheading gang, terrorists Nour Al Din Zinki who decapitated and tortured Abdullah Issa publicly and videoed the entire brutal act, one month before the photo of Omran went viral and precipitated all manner of outrage from the International Community.

You would think, after all the outpouring of emotion, that these media hacks would be overjoyed to hear of little Omran’s wellbeing. You would  think they would be clamouring for an interview with the family to finally investigate the background to his appearance in the back of an ambulance in East Aleppo. Instead mainstream media has done no more than its usual copy-paste excercise in damage limitation.

The Telegraph was one of the first of the corporate media to run the story, one feels very reluctantly and not without the familiar twist which enabled a dig at the Syrian government. Failing to expand upon the glaring fact, that Omran’s family had been staunchly pro-Syrian state and pro-Syrian army from the beginning, which may have provoked the attacks upon them, from the NATO and Gulf state-funded extremists embedded in East Aleppo. Also, barely mentioning the fact that the family fled to Syrian Government held west Aleppo for safety. But investigating those aspects of the story is seemingly a step beyond the comfort zone for modern corporate media hacks?

 “In a short interview clip posted by Alloush, Omran’s father tells the TV presenter that he did not hear a plane above his house before the strike and said he rejected offers to leave Syria by parties wishing to damage the reputation of the country’s armed forces. He said that he changed his son’s name and his hairstyle to evade individuals who threatened to kidnap him and accused rebels of intimidating him.”

Both media outlets have powerfully underpinned the UK propaganda war on Syria. In the case of Omran, both outlets milked the pathos of his August 2016 photo to optimum effect, whipping the UK public into an anti-Assad frenzy, designed to enable the much desired, No Fly Zone.

How can the Guardian possibly conclude that the family may have been coerced into the interview when they, themselves, tell us that the family had been under threat from the “rebels” not from the Syrian Government. The Telegraph tells us that:

In fact we know, from conversations raging across social media, that Omran and his family are now under threat from the various extremist factions, members of which are already putting prices on heads and calling for the murder of Omran’s father. Of no concern to corporate media who resolutely cling to the narrative that the Syrian government is the source of all evil in Syria, not the NATO and Gulf State funded extremist brigades. They cant spin that reality to serve “regime change” so it ceases to have any importance.

However we look at this situation, it is marvelous that Omran is safe and sound and still in Syria with his family. The corporate media in the west failed him. They allowed him to be exploited for the propaganda that is exacerbating the suffering of the Syrian people and prolonging the war against Syria. They failed to question the narrative fed to them by known criminal elements embedded in East Aleppo and affiliated to the NATO and Gulf state armed, funded & equipped extremist factions.

The horrific torture and beheading of Palestinian child, Abdullah Issa, one month before Omran’s bewildered image went viral, did not provoke an equivalent outrage or international condemnation.

“The images of little Omran, put out by jihadist support groups, gained widespread attention from the western media, which has backed the sectarian gangs through more than five years of brutal terrorist war. On the other hand, video of the murder of little Abdallah Issa was largely ignored, or scorned with claims that the boy was really 18 years old, or a spy for the pro-Syria Palestinian militia Liwa al-Quds.” ~ Tim Anderson

“What is perhaps most disturbing about the comparison between these two stories, is the cynical abuse and weaponization of children that is being supported by the NATO-aligned media machine. This is a calculated use of one child as a psychological instrument to promote and legitimize war, while the torture and cold-blooded execution of another is marginalized to protect the U.S. agents who perpetuate that war.” ~ Vanessa Beeley, Journey to Aleppo Part I

Despite the smiles for camera, Omran’s eyes bear the scars of his ordeals and the trauma he has been forced to live through. This is, ultimately, what we should be protesting most vehemently.  In Syria, tens of thousands of Omrans go unnoticed by our media, our governments and our NATO-aligned NGOs, including the UN. Too many children in Syria have been exploited as propaganda pawns in the geopolitical chess game being played by the NATO and Gulf state oligarchs and oil barons.

The corporate media in the west is guilty of mass deception through distortion, omission and misdirection.

Dr Nafeez Ahmed on #FakeNews:

“Yet there is a giant elephant in the room: the fact that the crisis of fake news began inside traditional media. In fact, the most egregious cases of fake news have been promulgated by traditional media institutions. And it is precisely the mass disillusionment and breakdown of trust with traditional media institutions that has been the biggest driver of all. News consumers are fed up with being lied to — they no longer have trust in the ability of prevailing media institutions to tell the truth.”

Eva Karene Bartlett , the renowned Canadian peace activist and freelance journalist, wrote that the story of “the boy in the orange chair”, “the boy in the ambulance”, another “White Helmets” ‘rescuee’ …is built on a mountain of lies.

This afternoon, the father of Omran, who had had enough of the media lies about (and abuse of) his son, spoke out for the second day in a row, setting the record straight.

Among the things he told me: his son’s injury was small and insignificant, very light, not worthy of the head bandage unnecessarily wrapped around Omran; he heard no airplane and did not agree to monetary attempts to coerce him into saying it was an airstrike; he refused and further attempts by media to photograph and misuse his son; he was at ease and back to life in his home in Aleppo.

More soon on the lies of the western and al-Qaeda affiliated journalists and on the incredible Syrian journalist who brought the truth to light.


Janice Kortkamp, the well-known transparent US freelance and peace activist, wrote that the image of Little Omran from Aleppo, the boy in the orange chair, was seen ’round the world. His dusty bloody face was shown on every major news media channel and newspaper as “the face of the victims of President Assad and Russian bombing against civilians in Aleppo.”

You were told by the nightly news that we must help these victims. We must end their suffering: by sending more weapons to the “freedom fighters” in Aleppo; by bombing more in Syria; by imposing more sanctions.

But this story was a lie…just like the rest you’ve seen on the nightly news about Syria.

The truth is that Omran’s family supports President Assad and the Syrian Army and always considered the “rebels” in control of eastern Aleppo to be terrorists.

That Omran was injured but not badly and not by an airstrike as there were no aircraft heard flying overhead. His older brother Ali was killed. The terrorist-photographer set up the photo and Omran was not treated. His sister was so angry at the terrorist-camera man she batted away his camera when he turned it on her.

That the terrorists used Omran for their propaganda against his father’s wishes. That the terrorists had offered him thousands of dollars to make a film denouncing President Assad and the Syrian Army. He refused to make such a video. Refused the money. $8000 in Syria is a fortune.

The father cut Omran’s hair and changed his name and the family escaped to west Aleppo to be safe from the terrorist “rebels” supported by the US and our allies.

So here is Omran. Safe with his family in government controlled, unified Aleppo.

Don’t believe what you’ve been told about Syria.

Syria is not a civil war, but a US/allies orchestrated regime change coup that has been using terrorist proxy militias to do our dirty work.

Jonathan Azaziah, the founder and Editor-In-Chief of Mouqawamah Music, wrote Talk about a bombshell! The White Helmets lied through their rotten teeth! Omran al-Daqneesh, the infamous “Orange Seat Boy”, is fine as kind! He’s living in liberated Aleppo with his family! He’s being protected by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA)! And IT JUST SO HAPPENS that his parents and other kin are staunch supporters of the Syrian government. MADNESS!

Flashback to last August. The world was taken by storm as photos of a dust-covered boy in an orange ambulance seat spread across the Zionist media like a wildfire being fueled by gasoline spills. That boy of course was Omran. Plastered on every TV channel, every website and every front page of every newspaper, the boy, it was claimed by the Al-Qaeda-linked, US-UK-Soros-financed White Helmets, had been wounded in air strikes launched by “the Assad regime” and “imperialist Russia”. His family, the White Helmets claimed further, were heavy backers of the “Syrian revolution”. Omran’s photograph was taken by a CIA-Turkish-Qatari-backed Harakat Noureddine al-Zinki terrorist who had previously been involved in beheading 12-year old Syrian-Palestinian boy Abdallah al-Issa in Aleppo’s Handarat.

Fast forward back to present day and the revelations about Omran Daqneesh have laid waste to this fictional narrative that the Takfiri-connected White Helmets concocted and forced down the collective throat of the globe through their Zionist media overlords. And this TRUE STORY is barely receiving any coverage at all in the mass press and wherever it is being reported, like the UK Telegraph for example, there are quite blatant attempts being made to downplay and deflect the deceptions of the past. Above and beyond the devastating info that Omran’s dearest ones are partisans of the Syrian Arab Republic’s government and military, Omran’s father revealed that terrorist groups offered to pay him gargantuan amounts of cash–presumably delivered by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey–to spread propaganda against democratically elected Syrian President Dr. Bashar al-Assad as well as the SAA.

He would refuse to entertain this treachery and despite the hasbara blitz, his support for his leader and his army never wavered. This didn’t mean things never got difficult however. Omran’s father was forced to shave Omran’s head and change his name just so his son would longer endure anymore vulturous exploitation at the hands of the “moderate rebels”. In more succinct terms: The Daqneesh family most certainly did suffer. But it wasn’t because of Damascus. In fact, it was Damascus which rescued them. Their tormentors, from A to Z, were the very groups that MSM told the world were “fighting for freedom” from a “brutal dictator”.

The story of Omran Daqneesh is much like that of Alan Kurdi. Or Hamza al-Khatib. Or the chemical weapons attacks in Ghouta in ’13 and Idlib just a few months ago. Or the Houla Massacre. Or, in reality, the entirety of the war on Syria. A lie gets told. It proliferates thanks to the pernicious efforts of the global Zionist media and a network of “activists” linked to the NGO-Human-Rights-Industrial-Complex of Soros, the NED and the US State Department. Then months or sometimes years later, when the dust settles, the cameras have moved on their next batch of Zioganda, and the public is no longer paying attention, the truth will come out but it will swiftly get swept under the rug.

Dr. Mohammad Abdo Al-Ibrahim





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