Combating Takfiri terrorism, key point to resolve crisis (1)

Eliminating terrorism is the real path into establishing stability, reconstruction and building a real partnership among the Syrians. Talking about resolving the Syrian crisis through dialogue without halting the influx of terrorists into Syria is hypocrisy, because it would aggravate the crisis to achieve sinister political objectives by the US and its allies.

The key point to resolve the crisis in Syria is to combat terrorism which threatens the entire world.

Ending terrorism depends mainly on drying up its resources, including the Takfiri Wahabbi mentality funded by the Al Saud regime which has deployed regional and international intelligence agencies to sponsor ISIS and other terrorist organizations.

The crimes and massacres committed by terrorist organizations like ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra, Jaish al-Islam, al-Jabha al-Islamiya, Jaish al-Fateh, Ahrar al-Cham, and the “Free Army” wouldn’t have taken place without the constant arming, equipping, funding, and logistic support provided to terrorists by the governments of  Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Terrorism has no borders and requires unifying all international genuine efforts to overcome it.   Combating terrorism is not Syria’s fight alone; the international community should cooperate with Syria as terrorism is considered an ideological tool in the wars that erupted in the Middle East.

Priority should be given to confronting ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra, and other terrorist organizations which have been committing atrocious massacres against Syrian people and destroying the infrastructure of the country.  From the very beginning of the crisis, Turkey opened training centres which hosted terrorists from more than 80 states. Erdogan’s government offered logistic and financial support to terrorists and facilitated their entry to Syria to achieve certain political objectives that serve the US and Israel.

The US and its Western allies have been turning a blind eye to ISIS criminal oil trade with Turkey allowing the terrorist organization to get huge funds to finance its terrorist operations against people in Syria and Iraq. Turkey’s leadership, including President Erdogan and his family, is involved in illegal oil trade with ISIS. Turkey is the final destination for oil smuggled from Syria and Iraq. Turkey is the main buyer of smuggled oil coming from Iraq and Syria. Erdogan’s regime is supporting the terrorist organizations in Syria, providing them with toxic gases and helping them to flee out of Turkey. Erdogan’s regime is providing the terrorist organizations in Syria with toxic gases and protecting those who are involved in the production of chemical weapons through helping them to flee out of Turkey.




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