Steak with Soy Sauce


1 1/2kg beef filet, cut into thin slices.

1  green onion, finely chopped

For the sauce:

3/4 cup olive oil

1/4 cup soy sauce

3 tablespoons honey

2  tablespoons vinegar

1/2 tablespoon ginger

1/2 tablespoons garlic

Cooking method according to

1-      Place the sauce ingredients in a large pan and stir over low heat until the honey melts. Remove from heat and pour in a bowl.

2-      Mix in the beef fillet slices and cover the bowl. Let the meat marinate for 3 to 4 hours.

3-      Transfer the meat with its marinade to a baking pan and add in the onion.

4-      Bake in the oven over medium for 20 minutes.




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