President Hafez Assad Eulogized

 The late President Hafez Al-Assad  has beein the ever-living legend of  immortality in Syria’s modern history. Undoubtedly he was one of the region’s history-makers till June 10, 2000, the day he left us, but remained in our minds. He was an  example of values ,steadfastness and courage that help us in facing the current challenges and build the future of Syria away from any external interference.

President Hafez Al- Assad was an exceptional leader who made Syria a hard and difficult number in the region and the world as a whole . Due to his shrewd political vision and wisdom , president Al-Assad had instilled in Arab peoples’ minds- but not in the ewes among de fact princes, emirs and kings-   the culture of resistance and provided it with all forms of support, refused to bargain over any of Arab issues that later contributed to the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance achievements of great victories against the Zionist enemy. Those victories were manifested in Israel’s defeat in South Lebanon in 2000 , the victory of July 2006 and the victory of the Palestinian resistance in 2008.

President Hafez Al-Assad’s strategic relations with the brothers and friends in Iran, Russia, China, and worldwide, have indeed contributed to the Syrians steadfastness and soon-to-be victory against Al-Qaeda and Wahabbi affiliates from more than a hundred country, on top of them stand those who claim to advocate human rights and to fight terrorism!

The historical stances of immortal leader Hafez Al-Assad made Syria occupy a leading role in the contemporary world. He left us but is still alive in our hearts and consciousness through his thoughts and principles.

 “This is a day of sadness and sorrow in every home, school, university, farm, factory and quarry,” “Sadness is in the heart of every man, woman and child.… The legacy of his accomplishments and ideas is a planet that will shine not just in this generation, but also coming generations.” “I announce to the Arab and Muslim world the death of one of the heroes of war and of peace, who devoted his life to serving the Arab and Islamic nations and fighting for the recovery of their land and of Arab rights.” a tearful announcer said on Syrian state television, June 10, 2000.

“His last words were: ‘our destiny is to build a better future for our countries, a safe future (for) our children. We have to give them something better than what we inherited.’ and then there was a sudden silence,”

Lebanese President Emile Lahoud, in a condolence letter to President Bashar Al-Assad, wrote. President Lahoud was the last to speak to the Syrian leader.

“The Syrian people learned from their great late leader, President Hafez Al-Assad, wisdom, highness, peace and not to abandon their rights,”




The late Martyred Preacher Sheikh Mohamad Saed Al-Bouti, on June 15, 2000, in an eulogy word following the untimely demise of the late President Hafez Al-Assad, the builder of modern Syria, said addressing  lieutenant general Dr. Bashar Al-Assad , ” Responsibilities are heavy but God will help you. I congratulate the Syria people that they will not transfer from this umbrella into a burning sun but will remain within shady shadows,”



” President Hafez Al-Assad was a statesman keen on boosting his country and the fate of the Arab nation , he has had a prominent role in history over the last three decades.”

Former French President, Jacques Chirac said.





” I really feel , for the first time in my life, that I put my hand in the hand of true president . I had an Indescribable feeling, when I shook hands with him , I looked at his face and I saw the whole history and vigor , in those moments , I thanked God that he was not a president of a great country, then he would undoubtedly rule the world.”

After his meeting with the late President Hafez Al-Assad in Damascus, ex-U.S. President Bill Clinton said.



” President Hafez Al-Assad was the only one who overcame and defeated me in my life, and today Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad astonished me because the vast majority of Syrians love and stand with him.”

the fox of US  Policy Henry Kissinger





“The Syrians, Arabs, and the world freedom-loving people would never forget President Hafez Assad. The late Assad tops all in firmness, pride, and dignity; he never surrendered in all his life. Assad, indeed, knew how to raise his cause up to the top of glory and how to build for Syria her glory.’’

President Fidel Castro of Cuba said.





Arab League. Secretary General IsmatAbd-al-Majid described Mr. Assad as “one of the heroes of war and of peace who devoted his life to serving the Arab and Islamic nations and fighting for the recovery of their land and of Arab rights”. He said he hoped that “the Syrian people will pass through this crisis peacefully and overcome their pain to move forward on the road to development and peace”.



 The Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, expressed grief at the news and declared three days of official mourning in Palestinian-run areas.In his statement, Mr. Arafat said he shared the sorrow of Mr. Assad’s family. He said:” the Palestinian people would stand beside the people of Syria, “confident in their ability to overcome this fateful moment”.


President Clinton praised President Assad’s commitment to the path of peace. “We had our differences, but I always respected him,” said Mr. Clinton, who last met Mr. Assad in March in an attempt to break the deadlock in peace talks with Israel. “Throughout my contacts with him, including our last meeting he made clear Syria’s continued commitment to the path of peace,” Clinton said. “We look forward to working with Syria to achieve the goal of a comprehensive peace.” “While we had our disagreements, I always respected him because I felt that he was open and straightforward with me, and because I felt he meant it when he said he had made a strategic decision for peace,” Clinton said. “I regret that peace was not achieved in his lifetime, and I hope that it can still be achieved in no small measure because of the commitment he made,” the president added.


In Lebanon, Prime Minister Salim al-Hoss described Mr. Assad’s death as a “terrible catastrophe” for Lebanon and ordered flags to fly at half-mast during a week of official mourning. Across the region, television and radio stations cut into their transmissions to announce the Syrian leader’s death, and then embarked on readings from the Koran as an expression of mourning. Lebanon has announced a seven-day period of mourning following the death of Syrian President Hafez Assad.


In Turkey, Foreign Minister Ismail Cem said he shared the Syrian people’s grief. Mr. Cem said that relations had recently improved, and the process would continue. Iranian television described late Assad as “a great resistance fighter”.

One of the last heads of state to meet President Assad was King Abdullah of Jordan, who praised the Syrian leader’s “wisdom, courage and political experience” . Jordan’s King Abdullah praised the late Syrian President as a great statesman who dedicated his life to serving the Arab cause.

Jordan’s Prime Minister Abdul Raouf al-Rawabdeh said his government would continue to support Syria’s efforts to regain the Golan Heights.

In Moscow, foreign ministry officials said Russia was deeply saddened by the news. They said they hoped it would have no adverse effect on the Middle East peace process.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair praised Mr Assad’s contribution to the Middle East peace process and said he hoped his death would “redouble” efforts in the region to find lasting peace.

French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine cancelled a scheduled Middle East tour after the announcement. He had been due to visit Syria, Israel and Lebanon.

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said Assad had been committed to peace in recent years and she expected Syria to “continue on the path of peace.” “It’s important for Dr. Assad to take on the mantle and for the transition process to be pursued,” she said. “I will repeat again to whomever I meet that the door is open, and we will be exploring.” “President Assad played a critical role in the Middle East,” Albright said: “His passing doesn’t alter the compelling logic for all parties to pursue a comprehensive peace nor America’s willingness to work with all parties to achieve that goal.” “I think that it’s totally appropriate that we pay our respects to a historic figure, and that we express our condolences to the people of Syria,” she said. “There is no question that we need to work with the Syrian leadership in order to accomplish a comprehensive peace.”

President Jiang Zemin of China paid tribute to Syrian President Hafez Assad, describing him as an “outstanding leader.” “President Assad was an outstanding leader of Syria, who contributed his whole life to Syria’s prosperity and his people’s well-being,” Jiang said in a message to Assad’s son, Dr. Bashar Assad. “Under his leadership, the Syrian government and people scored significant achievements on safeguarding Syria’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and on economic development and national construction.” Jiang expressed “profound condolences” on behalf of the Chinese government and people to Bashar Assad and the Syrian people. President Assad in his lifetime had attached much importance to relations with China, Jiang said. “His death is a great loss to Syria. For China, it means the loss of a respectful friend.” “I believe the Syrian government and people would definitely continue the work left by President Assad and make more achievements.” Meanwhile, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao said Sunday in a statement that Chinese government expressed its deep condolences over the death of Syrian President Hafez al-Assad.  Zhu said that President Assad was the outstanding leader of Syria who has contributed all his life to the development of the country and the happiness of the Syrian people.

President Assad was a solid defender of man, just causes. In appreciation to the stances taken by the late President Hafez Assad towards international causes and peoples struggle for freedom and independence and in recognition made by the UN to the role played by the late president in defense of international legitimacy and commitment to UN charters, the UN General Assembly GA in New York on Thursday held an eulogy dedicated to highlighting President al-Assad’s role in revitalizing the role played by the UN and in implementing its resolutions. Gabon’s permanent representative at the UN Dennis Dangwi, who is the representative for the African group at the UN said that the state of mourning in the Middle East and Syria over the demise of the late President Hafez al-Assad shows the great respect the late president had won in all parts of the world and explains the great position he had enjoyed and that was because he devoted all his time and thinking to his country. He added all these made of President Hafez Assad so remarkable at the Middle East peace process. He expressed his conviction that the president’s successor will continue the way and the dialogue he had already established in the region for strengthening peace.

The representative of the Asian group at the UN commemorated the late President’s efforts to build a strong states and for his people’s dignity and honor. He added ” the death of President Assad was a great loss for all of us.” He expressed confidence that the new leadership in Syria will continue forward in order to continue building on the achievements already started with President Hafez Assad. Moldavia’s representative Eiron Elfaro, who was the representative of the west European states said that on June 10 the Middle East lost the main Arab leader President al-Assad. A leader that history will remember his great achievements and the role he played in strengthening Syria’s unity. He added that President Assad was a statesman who dedicated all his life for Syria and the Arab nation. He said that President al-Assad had left his imprints on history during the three past decades and he had his country effectively involved in the ME peace with the objective to achieve a just and comprehensive peace in the region. Meantime, the representative of the Latin American and Caribbean states at the UN Alfred Louis stressed that the late president was very popular in the Middle East and had greatly contributed to realizing stability and security in Lebanon and had a great role in the efforts to establish peace in the Middle east according to UN Security council resolutions 242, 338 and 425.

The representative for West Europe and other states to the UN Antonio Mandido expressed for the countries of West Europe that the late President’s commitment to achieving peace will continue in order to establish a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East. On behalf of the Arab group, the Algerian representative at the UN said President Hafez al-Assad was a national leader who devoted all his efforts for serving causes of his people and led Syria firmly towards building a modern state, achieved stability and national unity among members of the Syrian society.  He also highlighted the late president’s role in defending Arab, Islamic and humanitarian issues.  The US permanent representative said that the late President was a main figure in the ME who chose peace as a strategic option, adding that the US welcomes Syria’s continued commitment to this option. He expressed his conviction that this Syrian decision concerning peace was the right decision. He stressed that the US has the desire to work with all sides concerned in the region to achieve peace and will spare no efforts to this effect in achieving a just and comprehensive peace in the region.


Egyptian state television interrupted its normal programming to broadcast the news of Assad’s death. Both Egypt and Jordan have declared three days of national mourning. “I have just spoken to Vladimir Putin on the telephone…he told me not only of his grief but also that he is worried about how events will unfold,” Primakov told NTV commercial television. “This will undeniably have an effect on the situation both in Syria and in the Middle East in general,” Primakov noted.



In Tehran, guidance of the Islamic republic Ayatollah Khamenei said in his cable of condolences to Bashar Assad and to the Syrian government that “undoubtedly President Hafez Assad was a symbol and a hero of resistance in the face of Zionism. He had a key role in preventing resistance and to strengthen solidarity between the Arab world and the Islamic nation.”




Iranian President Muhammad Khatami praised the late president, stressing he was one of the main leaders of the Islamic nation and that President Assad occupied a remarkable position in recent decades, noting that President al-Assad ” put relations between Tehran and Damascus on highest levels.” Tehran radio said the government mourns al-Assad death for three days. In Istanbul, Turkish President Ahmad Najdat Cezeir expressed “his deep sorrows.” He said ” President al-Assad will be in history a statesman who served for the sake of Syria’s prosperity.” Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit said that following in the  footsteps of al-Assad “will not be

easy because he was a politician and a statesman who is very experienced.” He noted the “many positive developments took place recently in our relations with Syria.”



In China, the spokesman for the Chinese government in Beijing described President Hafez Assad as “a respected friend.” He added that the Chinese government is convinced that “Chinese- Syrian relations will continue their development.” In Tokyo, Japan’s prime minister in a statement, called on the Syrian people to continue their efforts to establish peace and stability in the region. He noted that al-Assad died, but there are still great expectations to achieving peace with Israel in the coming months.

In Ottawa, Canada’s Prime Minister Jean Chretien described President al-Assad as the architect of modern Syria. He added ” I was very much impressed by his commitment to achieving a just and durable peace in the Middle East.” In Rome, Italian President Carlo Ciampi considered that ” Syria has lost a statesman who knew how to lead it in difficult experiments towards maintaining its stability. The Arab world and the international community have lost a wise and influential reference.” He hoped that Syria would strengthen President “al-Assad’s commitment to reaching peace in the Middle East and intensive cooperation with all peoples of the Mediterranean.” In the Vatican, Pope John Paul II said in a cable of condolences ” After I heard news of President Assad’s death, a leader who had ever an important role in the Middle east, I would like to share his family and the Syrian people’s pains. I appeal the almighty God to help the Syrian authorities and people in these painful moments.” In Greece, the spokesman for the Greek government Demitri Rebas extended condolences to the Syrian people ” who lost their President at a very critical situation for current developments in the Middle East.”

In Bern, Switzerland, the spokesman for the government offered his condolences on the death of President Assad, hoping that “Assad’s successor will embody the will of achieving peace.” In Cuba, Havana, the Cuban government announced four-day mourning and order flags to be half-mast on public buildings and army barracks. “The Syrians, Arabs, and the world freedom-loving people would never forget President Hafez Assad. The late Assad tops all in firmness, pride, and dignity; he never surrendered in all his life. Assad, indeed, knew how to raise his cause up to the top of glory and how to build for Syria her glory.’’ President Fidel Castro of Cuba said of the late president in a recent visit to Damascus.

In New York, the UN chief Kofi Annan said that ” al-Assad was a president of an unwavering principle.” He added ” al-Assad’s death necessitates the need to search for a comprehensive and durable solution for problems in the Middle East region.”

Dr. Mohammad Abdo Al-Ibrahim


The Late President Hafez Al-Assad 








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