Ghalibaf: World parliaments must adopt a clear and unified position to legally prosecute the Zionist entity

Tehran (ST) – Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, called on the heads of parliaments around the world to declare a clear and unified position at international forums in order to prosecute the Zionist entity for its crimes and prevent it from committing more massacres.

IRNA quoted Ghalibaf as saying, addressing the heads of parliaments around the world: “Under the current circumstances, in which the Zionist entity continues to commit massacres in full view of the world and amid the UN Security Council’s failure to put an end to the Zionist war and aggression against Palestine and Lebanon, taking decisive measures by the international community to stop this aggression and get out of the current escalating situation is a necessity that cannot be ignored.”

“The US government supports the crimes of this entity, calling on all members of the international community and heads and representatives of parliaments of countries to condemn the criminal acts carried out by the Zionist entity against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, and to take effective steps at the international level to confront these aggressive and brutal acts”, Ghalibaf added.

Ghalibaf stressed the need to announce a clear and unified position by all parliaments of the world in international forums, especially the International Union of Parliaments, the Union of Islamic Parliaments, and the Asian Assembly, in order to prosecute the Zionist entity and prevent further crimes.


Najla Khoury

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