DAMASCUS,(ST)-MajdGhazal,the high jumper,is due to leave for Russia sopon to enter an indoor training camp.
The two-week long camp is part of Ghazal’s preparation for taking part in the forthcoming activities.
According to secretary of the Syrian Track and Field Federation Ahmad Abo Dahab,Ghazal’scamp, which will be held under his Russian coach Alexander Port, aims at improving his record and even to reach his own personal record 228 cm he scored in the 2011 Asia Championship which was staged in Japan.
“Ghaza’s camp also comes within the framework of the federation’s plan to upgrade the level of the national team’s players with the aim of achieving remarkable results at Arab,regional and international arenas,”Dahab added.
It is to be noted that Ghazal represented Syria in many events abroad including the Islamic Solidarity Games which was held in Indonesia ,the Mediterranean Games in Turkey and the Sotchi championship in Russia ….etc.