Australian writer: Peace in the eyes of “Israel” and Washington means imposing dictates, subjugating other countries
Sydney, (ST)- Australian writer Caitlin Johnston mocked the idea of the Zionist entity and America regarding achieving peace. She pointed out that what is called peace in the eyes of “Israel” and Washington means imposing dictates, subjugating other countries, and achieving conditions of obedience in accordance with both Israeli and American views and interests.
Johnston said in an article published on her website on the “Medium” website: Peace, according to the followers of the Zionist or the American colonial entity, means the submission of all countries to America’s hegemony and tyranny and the submission of the peoples of all countries to the will of Washington and its dictates.
“Any deviation from that matter, or any state that disobeys orders will be described as terrorist because it stood up to the American tyranny”, she added.
Johnston said: US President Joe Biden, in the context of his desperate support for “Israel” has plunged the United States into a new war, this time targeting Yemen. “Biden continues to provide full and unconditional support for “Israel” and the genocidal crimes it has been committing in Gaza since last October”, she added.
Johnston described the pretext used by Biden to justify the aggression against Yemen as being for the benefit of the global economy and trade across the Red Sea, as a ridiculous and flimsy argument that does not deceive anyone.
“Everyone realizes that the United States launched its attacks to support “Israel” and punish Yemen for its attempt to stop the genocide against the Palestinians”, Johnston said.
Johnston indicated that the United States does not care about global trade or the global economy, and all that matters to it is maintaining the flow of weapons and ammunition to Israel to kill more Palestinians without any willingness on the part of Washington to accept any criticism or opposition to these crimes.
Nada Haj Khidr