For the seventh consecutive day, Al-Hasakah without water due to encroachments of Turkish occupation mercenaries
For the seventh day in a row, water continues to be cut off from the city of Al-Hasakah as a result of violations on the electrical tension lines feeding the Alouk water station by the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation.
A source in the Public Establishment of Drinking Water in Al-Hasakah confirmed the continuation of violations on the electrical tension lines feeding the station, which leads to an increase in the load on the tension line and the blackout from the station, pointing to the continuation of government efforts to re-operate the Allouk water station.
The Turkish occupier and its terrorist mercenaries are deliberately exploiting the electricity allocated to Allouk water station for their interests in the lands they stole from the people, which affects the work of the station and the instability of its operation continuously due to the frequent disconnection as a result of excessive loads.
In addition, the General Organization for Drinking Water, in cooperation with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent branch and a number of humanitarian organizations, continues to secure the drinking water needs of the people in the city of Al-Hasakah by constantly filling the water tanks scattered in the streets and gardens.
Inas Abdulkareem