MOSCOW,(ST)_ The recent events in Egypt prove that the “Arab Spring” did lead not to a democratic renewal, but to chaos, said the head of the Russian State Duma Committee on International Affairs Alexei Pushkov.
“Democracy as a panacea does not work”, said the politician. Especially in countries that do not belong to the Western world, he added.
Pushkov underlined the fact that Mohamed Morsi was elected president of Egypt only about a year ago.
” The so called Arab spring did not lead to democracy, rather chaos , that we can see in Egypt, Libya, Syria and Iraq”, he added.
“In a democratic society things like that do not happen. Namely that in one year the mood of the electorate changed so radically. Morsi did not do anything to cause such changes,” said Pushkov.
He believes that , this shows that in Egypt, the people’s will was conditional and relative and that this is a bad signal for the whole region.
T. Fateh