A new issuance for author Anas Al-Raheb

Anas Al-Raheb, author of four books has now issued his fifth book entitled: “The New Political and Sect Orientated History of the Republic of Lebanon”.

In an exclusive interview with Syriatimes author Anas Al-Rabeb says, “I wrote this book because of my great love for Lebanon”. “It is necessary to clarify the reasons of why Lebanon has fallen so low”.

“My book starts just before the Ottoman occupation of “Bilad Al-Sham” (comprising of modern day Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine), and follows through to the French occupation of that area.

 Both occupations implanted a methodology based on nurturing sectarianism to weaken the area, thus ensuring their continued supremacy even after their evacuation from the area”.

The book details the sectarian social structure during the Ottoman occupation of “Bilad Al-Sham” starting from the sixteenth century until the eighteenth century. It also details how history evolved during that period noting at the same time the ambitions of Britain, France and Tsarist Russia towards the area.

The book continues to talk, abort the formation of Lebanon as a country and the events that happened then and how Lebanon is still currently experiencing their effects.

British and French occupations of “Bilad Al-Sham” led to their division and the formation of countries and states based purely on sect and in Lebanon this was fortified by the constitution of 1926 and the national mandate of 1943.

The result of this is that Lebanon witnessed a civil war in 1975. The book also traces the Ta’ef agreement and the Israeli war on Lebanon in 1996.

The twenty first century see things moving rapidly in Lebanon. The assassination of Harirri –Resolution 1559-Syria’s withdrawal from Lebanon- The Israeli war on Lebanon 1996- the International Tribunal in 2009 ending in current protests against corruption and an unbearable living situation.

It is to be mentioned that Author Anas Al-Raheb has written several books devoted to Arab, regional and international situations. The signing ceremony of his new book will take place soon.

Editor In Chief

Reem Haddad

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