Levant Scholars’ Union warns against Zionist schemes to penetrate Arab societies

The Levant Scholars’ Union has warned of attempts by Zionism and Masonism to penetrate Arab and Islamic societies through the so-called “Abrahamic House” scheme and through “economic and religious tourism”, stressing that these schemes are legally, socially and culturally rejected, as they aim at dismantling religions and eliminating principles and laws.

“We must be aware of the schemes that serve this goal,” said the Union in a statement on Thursday, explaining that the real goal behind all this is to justify normalization between the Arab countries and the Zionist entity and to show this normalization as an intellectual religious manifestation that spreads peace in the region.

It pointed out that humanity is currently facing a heinous Zionist scheme which aims at “hijacking religions and principles in preparation for dominating the world”.

“This is what all believers in the heavenly religions must confront,” the union added, warning against drifting towards such delusions. 

  Hamda Mustafa

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