1460 Schools Have Been Rehabilitated in the Areas Liberated from Terrorism in Aleppo

The education sector in the Syrian province of Aleppo, which has been targeted by the systematic terror attacks of terrorist organizations during the eight-year war on Syria , is now on amend gradually  after the province was liberated from terrorism by the Syrian Arab Army.

All  the  foreign-backed  terrorism  schemes  to spread obscurantist ideas   have failed and  since Aleppo was declared  free of terrorism 1460 schools were rehabilitated  and reopened to receive   more than  565.000 students.

 “The number of schools operating in Aleppo before the war was  4040 schools and the number of students reached one million and 263 thousand students”  .. Ibrahim Masso , Head of Education Directorate in Aleppo clarified  to SANA correspondent .

 He pointed out that at the beginning of 2017  the Ministry of Education exerted relentless efforts  and  adopted an urgent plan to rehabilitate  1460 schools among  which  850 schools in liberated areas of Aleppo’s countryside which have  been exposed to acts of sabotage and destruction carried out by terrorists groups .

Masso  underlined that 17.000 teachers  carried out  training courses on  up-to-date curriculum and   teaching methods within the framework of the ministry of education’s steps to address the needs of the students in Aleppo and compensate for the classes they missed.

SANA correspondent visited a number of schools  in the liberated areas  of  Aleppo and met a number of  schools’ directors  who stressed that because  of the families’ strong will to continue educating their children, the educational process did not stop in some schools   during  the war Despite the missile shells that were and are still targeting   the area.

They  underlined that in parallel, psychological support and various  activities are carried out at the schools to alleviate the impacts of war on students, encouraging the children’s families to send their children to schools with the aim of fighting obscurantist mentality.

On their parts, the children’s families expressed their determination to send their children to schools after rehabilitating them, appreciating highly the ministry of education’s exerted efforts to provide the schools in the liberated areas with all necessary educational services.

With their eyes sparkling joyfully , the students of the schools in the liberated areas expressed to SANA correspondent their feelings of enjoying peace, security , hope upon returning to their homes and their schools  to continue their learning to take part effectively in building-up their country.

Rawaa Ghanam

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